Tuesday, December 11, 2012

He Will Save His People From Their Sins

Matthew 1.21
She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

The simplicity of this statement amazes me. In that one sentence, the world’s greatest gift is summed up: Jesus, Mary and Joseph’s son, will be our savior. In the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, it can be difficult to remember that the best present has already been given. Not in the, “I already have one of these sweaters… time to regift!” kind of already given; but rather in a, “Wow! This is fantastic!! How can I ever thank you enough?” way.
Our salvation from sin and despair has been given to us as our most amazing Christmas gift ever, and that is something that engulfs me with an overflowing joy. While a square of exquisite Christmas fudge is something that I am tempted to keep all to myself, Jesus is a gift that fills me so completely that I want to share! This gift of the Good News of our Savior Jesus Christ is something that has been gifted and is meant to be regifted.
We need to go tell it on a mountain, live it in our missions, and even share the joy at the grocery store. Opportunities for regifting the love of Jesus Christ are everywhere, and like Mary and Joseph, we simply need to say yes. 
In our culture, regifting often has a negative connotation. Generally, an item that is being regifted is one that was unwanted, and furthermore this action may offend the original giver. Our case of regifting the miraculous story of Jesus is exactly the opposite. The gift of salvation has already been given; the Savior has come! How can we accept this overwhelming gift and not retell the story; re-give the joy? We can be secure knowing that our Divine Original Giver will approve. 
Carol Gracia, Administrative Assistant at Crossroads Community Services, UrbanLife and Chancel Choir Member