Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 27: The Nourishment We Need

Scripture Readings: Jeremiah  23.1-8 and John 6.52-59

Greetings from Costa Rica!  We are currently about 2,000 miles from home, part of the FUMC mission team working at Hogar Metodista.  This mission trip has provided us with the opportunity to focus on nourishment, both physically and spiritually.  Our days have been filled with physical work such as digging holes five feet deep, making and pouring concrete, bending rebar for large pillar foundations, and painting.  We have also spent time with a small, new church in a poor section of the city leading a miniature vacation Bible school.  We had a great time interacting with these kids and helping them learn more about God’s love through songs in Spanish, skits, arts and crafts and lots of high fives, smiles, hugs, and “hola’s”.  Both of these experiences gave us an opportunity to spend time away from our busy lives and spend time focused on others.
This mission trip was not on our radar, even though mission is something we believe in.  We just said the timing is not right for us because we have three kids and too many things going on in our lives.  However that all changed when we heard about the concept of a “family friendly” mission trip.  Once we learned a little more we jumped at the opportunity to take Ava, our almost 8 year old daughter, with us and let her see some things very much outside of her comfort zone.  Ava and Charlotte Owens are the two young kids on the trip and have been amazing.  They have added a great dimension to the trip with their silly songs, laughter, art projects, and hard work. They have stayed up way past their bed time and maintained smiles the entire time. 
These are just a few examples of how we were able to share our selves with mission.  The amazing thing is by spending this dedicated time on others we have been nourished while nourishing others.  This is reflected in part of today’s Lent reading John 6:57 where it says “As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me.”

Todd, Laura and Ava McCavit, FirstChurch Costa Rica mission trip participants