Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 37: Help Me, O God.....But HURRY UP, Will You?!

Scripture Readings: Psalm 70 and John 13.21-32

"Make haste, O God, to deliver me!  Make haste to help me, O Lord!"  (from Psalm 70)

Remember when you were a child, it seemed as though Christmas would NEVER come.  I can remember wishing and wishing for time to pass so Christmas would be here.  My momma would say, "You're just wishing your life away!"  Of course it took me many years to fully understand what exactly she meant. 

Perhaps you feel the same way when you pray and ask God for something; anything. The next day when you don't have whatever you prayed for, you think God isn't listening or has ignored your request.  Or maybe, just maybe you are not worthy for God to pay any attention at all to you; what you think you need or what you want. 

Did you ever stop to think that time to us and time to God might not be exactly the same?  "Be still and know that I am God...." (Psalm 46:10)  Being still, I think, is the key here.  Slow down and make time for God.  We ask and ask God to deliver what we want, what we think we need.  Do we ever think about what God is asking of us?  What does God want from us? What does God want for us?  What have we done for God lately? 

Think about it... Remember that verse from Matthew;  "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:40)

Lent is the perfect time for reflecting and remembering... and listening.

Be still... and listen.

Betty Watson, member of the Doubl-Aires Class, Chancel Choir, UMW Mary Circle, and chairman of our Homebound Ministry. Member of First UMC, Dallas, since 1963.