Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 24: Cravings & the Bread of Life

Scripture Readings: Jeremiah  17.19-27 and John 6.16-27

“Jesus answered, ‘Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.’” (John 6.26)

The scripture from John 6.16-27 tells of Jesus being sought out by the crowd of 5,000, after having fed them miraculously in Capernaum. The people search after Jesus mysteriously disappears with his disciples overnight. Jesus attributes their inquiry into his disappearance as a hunt for He, the bread of life, rather than a search for He, the miracle-maker.

During the season of Lent, the most common action that I pursue is to give something up. They are usually familiar temptations, such as sodas or sweets, although I would much rather abstain from homework. But throughout the course of the season, the desire allows me to reflect on the reasons for which I am resisting these sugary foods.

In my busy schedule as a high schooler, it is difficult to maintain a close relationship with God, and the time of Lent is a time for me to reconnect to God. I relate my yearning to indulge in the sugary foods to the hunger for Jesus, the bread of life. And, experience shows, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Michael Smith, Variations and Higher Ground member