Scripture Readings: Jeremiah 5.20-31 and John 7.1-13
I haven’t ever tried “giving something up” for Lent. Reflection and meditation are the disciplines that come to my mind for preparation for Holy Week and Easter. After reading the scriptures for today’s blog, I am wondering if it’s too late to go ahead and give “giving up” a try!?
the Old Testament reading, we find Jeremiah disillusioned, disappointed, and
disgusted with the people of Judah…
“Hear this Oh foolish and senseless people, who have eyes, but do not
see, and ears but do not hear.” All is seemingly going well for the people of
Judah, so why would they need God? They had
alienated themselves from God.
the New Testament reading, Jesus realizes that even his brothers don’t believe
in him. “Leave here and go to Judea so that your disciples also may see the
works you are doing; for no one who wants to be widely known acts in secret. If
you do these things, show yourself to the world.” In his brothers’ haste to hurry to the Festival of Booths, Jesus
realizes his brothers are part of their
world, not God’s world. Jesus feels alone in his obedience to God. Again, the people are alienated from God.
often do we find ourselves in this situation of alienation from God? When things are status quo and life is good,
it doesn’t seem as necessary to take time out of our busy day to reflect or
pray. Our hurried and demanding
lifestyles with constant communication through texting, emailing, tweeting,
etc. takes us further away from God’s world. Many times we find ourselves alienated
from God.
am going to make a conscious effort to “give up” alienating God from my daily life.
Not just during Lent, but throughout the year. Who wants to join me?Brianna Brown, United Methodist Women, Interpretations member