Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 21: No other God

Scripture Readings: Jeremiah  11.1-8, 14-20 and John 8.33-47

The history of the Jews is the record of covenants. This message is similar to others God had given the people.  Ownership of the land depended on God's promise to Abraham.  Their possession and enjoyment of the land depended on their obedience.  God promised them a "land flowing with milk and honey," which may refer to agricultural abundance in the Land of Israel.  The honey may have been from grapes and dates, rather than honey from bees.  The milk most likely refers to animal husbandry and use of animal byproducts for food and clothing.  One might think that such covenants would encourage faithfulness among the people.  Why would they set up their own gods, their Baals?  Why do we sometimes set up our own gods?  Alas, they/we listen to promises and privileges.  BUT when duties are mentioned, they/we will not listen.  The people to whom Jeremiah was speaking not only didn't want to listen; they conspired to kill the prophet and silence God's word!  Jeremiah felt "like a lamb led to slaughter."  Isaiah prophesied of Jesus that he was "a lamb without blemish" and "led like a lamb to the slaughter."

During this most holy season of Lent, let us look deep into our hearts and confess that we too often have bowed down to our own little gods – the chase of wealth or fame or beauty or success (none of which is evil unto itself) but frequently cause us to worship those THINGS rather than the God who has given us all good things to enjoy.

PRAYER: O God, forgive us when we have allowed "other gods" to come before you.  During this season of penitence and introspection, may we remember your great love for all humankind.  Help us resolve to be more faithful to our commitment to you and to your Son who gave all that we might have life more abundantly.  Amen.

Sandra Osborn, Aldersgate Class member