Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Unforced Rhythms of Grace – Rev. Linda Roby

Breath Prayer and Words for Today: “Stop. Turn. Look for God.”

Do you, like me, struggle with the distractions and anxieties of the season?   Do you long for a little calm and peace in the midst of it all?  I like the translation in THE MESSAGE of Matthew 11:28-29 where “Jesus said, ‘Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.  I’ll show you how to take a real rest.  Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.  Learn the unforced rhythms of grace’. ”

As I approach this holy - but often hectic -  season, I’m reminded to intentionally turn away from that which is hectic, and to look for the holy.  Look for ways to experience the extraordinary in the ordinary. Take a walk, take note of your pace and your breathing, and the beauty that surrounds you.  Take time to watch a sunrise or a sunset.  Enjoy a  warm fire on a cold morning, and curl up with that journal that hasn’t been opened in a while.  Count your blessings.  Make time to visit a friend or neighbor.  Take a few things off your calendar.  Avoid the malls, and instead give gifts of time, or a gift to your favorite mission to honor those you love. Be mindful of God’s goodness,grace, and glory that is around you!

This advent I hope you experience rhythms of grace that will fill you with love.

Lord God, may we see your goodness, feel your presence, and hear your voice this holiday season. Amen.