I’m not sure that Joseph of Arimathea gets enough credit in the midst of all the Holy week observances. It may seem like a mundane detail that he stepped forth and requested the body of Jesus be taken off the cross so that he could give him a decent burial…..but it’s not. Being the clever creatures that we are, we know when a cause is lost and how to shrink away so as to minimize collateral damage through association. We watch political candidates announce the end of their campaigns as if they were euphoric and pleased rather than an announcement of defeat. The disciples who of all people knew and followed jesus had fled and abandoned their leader. Judas had betrayed Jesus and Peter denied being a part of his ministry.
But Joseph calmly stepped forward and “owned” that he had a deep love and abiding respect for Jesus and he was willing to take on whatever persecution from government or Sanhedrin that might come his way as a result of providing a tomb for Jesus.
What are the bare bones basic values of your faith that you will stand for in the face of any and all adversity? When have you been tempted to “cut and run” and how has your faith given you the courage to continue? Joseph had no guarantee of the resurrection of Jesus. He was simply determined to do the right thing.