I have yet to see the light if you ask my friend Josh because I do not own every Apple product known to man. As far as I have gotten is my iphone 3GS. If you are one of the enlightened then you probably utilize iCloud. Let me explain what iCloud is if you are like me and thought Apple had found a way to control the weather. It is actually a way that you can have all your Apple items connected. It does it automatically, seamlessly, effortlessly. You update your computer and the iCloud will update your iphone, ipad, and every Apple item. Sounds like a good idea right!? But I hate to break it to Apple but God beat them to the punch with this idea.
Our devotional today speaks about being connected to God. He is the vine and we are the branches. A life where we are connected to Jesus like the way Apple products are connected through the iCloud. Yet many of us have a hard time being connected. Why I ask? I think the answer begins with our understanding of Jesus or rather our misunderstanding. Jesus is more than a portrait, or stained glass windows, or all the traditions that surround us. He is real. He is alive, and the connection he has provided for us is seamless. Fully tap into that connection and see how your life can really light up.
"If we remain connected to the Vine, pursuing practices that help us abide in Christ, we will bear fruit -- not just praying, reading the Bible, woshiping, and giving, but demonstrating our love for others through our actions... love is more than just warm affection; it is a willingness to put others before ourselves and to practice kindness, to do justice, to seek the good of others and to bless." - Adam Hamilton